Change the defult printer

Change the default printer
के File प्रिन्ट गर्दा सधै प्रिन्टर छान्नु पर्दछ?
यदी यस्ताे हो भने Computer मा तल भने बमोजिमको Setting मिलाउनुहोस् र यस्ताे खालकाे झन्झट बाट बच्नुहाेस् ।
If there are multiple printers, only one is default; documents will print on the default printer unless you choose another printer in the print dialog

सेटिङ्ग प्रक्रिया निम्न अनुसार छ ।

§     changing the default printer: Start > Printers and Faxes > select printer > press the right mouse button > Set as default. (for window XP)
Start > Devices and printers > select printer > press the right mouse button > Set as default. (for window 7)

Start > Search मा Devices and printers सर्च गर्नुहाेस र Devices and printers > select printer > press the right mouse button > Set as default. (for window 8, 8.1, 10)

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